Well, how do you like the new layout of the blog? I was getting so sick of the way it looked before. I’m much more pleased with this layout. My motive behind changing it is the same one behind how, every couple of months, I have to change around the pictures on the walls of my apartment. I’m not a whore for change, or anything, I just get sick of the way things look. And my blog was starting to make me feel ill every time I looked at it. Now it’s the same as my friend, Jessica’s, except hers is pink. (If you know Jess, you’re saying “Of course!” with a smile. () I like the way hers looks. And now I like the way mine looks. (I have a link to her blog in my sidebar- it’s “Scope for Imagination.”)
I’m sitting here listening to Danielle’s favorites list on her computer. She has her favorite songs from every musical she owns on here, and I started with Aida. Aida has some great music sung by my favorite male Broadway star (Adam Pascal) and two of my favorite women (Heather Headley and Sherie Renee Scott.) The story/script isn’t that great, but the music is fantastic, and the soundtrack is unbelievable- it won a Grammy. Then I moved on to Bright Lights, Big City. I didn’t know anything about this show until Dani got the CD, and it took me a little while to get used to it. It also doesn’t have a great story, but I have grown fond of the music. It’s definitely not for kids or the faint of heart- there is a lot of drug abuse and foul language in it. (There’s a “Parental Advisory” Warning on the front of the CD case, for the love of Pete.) However, there is some really beautiful stuff in it, too- the main character (Jamie) and his brother (Michael) grieving their mother’s death, and remembering the things she used to say to them. There’s one gorgeous song that “Mom” sings called “Are you Still Holding My Hand?” that I want to sing for an audition sometime. I really love the actors who were in it- Patrick Wilson, Sherie Rene Scott (again,) Jesse L. Martin (Tom Collins from Rent), and Gavin Creel. I just love hearing that man sing. I haven’t even seen or heard him in anything else, but in this he is really good- he has a pure tenor voice, but it’s not wishy-washy at all, it sounds like he has some life experience beneath the purity of his tone.
It’s been a rather lazy day. I was supposed to work at my job that is not the bookstore today, but they didn’t need me. This is a frequent occurrence there, by the way. I’ve been on the schedule several times in the last few weeks, but they haven’t used me more than once or twice. It’s kind of frustrating- I could have worked at my other job today, or at the church, but I couldn’t make any plans because there was the possibility that I could have to work. So I’m stuck sitting here at home.
We were supposed to have an apartment inspection today, but so far nobody’s come by. I stayed up until two last night cleaning, but so far, it’s been for naught. Now I almost hope that they do come by, because it looks all right in here. And my bathroom is down right pretty- I even dusted the back of the toilet where the cat used to sit (you could still see her foot and butt prints, even though we gave her back to her rightful owner a month ago.) Apartment inspections are something that we put up with because we live in low-income housing. When you’re paying the sinfully low rent that we’re paying, you accept the fact that someone is going to come by once a year to make sure you’re not running a meth lab in your walk-in closet.
My plans for tonight are pretty tame- Danielle and I are doing our weekly Library trip/McAllister’s feeding frenzy tonight because it’s the only night that we both have free. That means that we have to tape House. There’s no way can miss it- we have to support our Hugh Laurie, especially in the face of his bitter defeat at the Emmys the other night. I’m still a little upset by that. He was robbed!
Speaking of TV, my obsession begins anew tomorrow at eight with the season premiere of Lost. What’s in that freaking hatch? Who are the other survivors on the island? Do the raft boys all survive? Where did the Others take Walt? Will Charlie take the heroin that he found in the plane? Holy crap! I don’t think I can take it- the anticipation is killing me.
All this anticipation in my life. Tomorrow, Lost, next week, the Rent soundtrack. My “waiting with baited breath” sounds ridiculous, I know. I know that I already have the original Broadway cast recording of the show and most of the original cast members are in the movie. The anticipation is about the new arrangements of the songs, the new instrumentations on the songs, the new cast members (I already know they can sing, and they knock the songs out of the park) and whether or not anything was changed to make it more “movie acceptable.” It’s sort of like a preview to the movie- and I’m really hoping for some nice production photos on the inside of the CD.
Well, that’s it. Via con Dios!
Brianne <><
I’m sitting here listening to Danielle’s favorites list on her computer. She has her favorite songs from every musical she owns on here, and I started with Aida. Aida has some great music sung by my favorite male Broadway star (Adam Pascal) and two of my favorite women (Heather Headley and Sherie Renee Scott.) The story/script isn’t that great, but the music is fantastic, and the soundtrack is unbelievable- it won a Grammy. Then I moved on to Bright Lights, Big City. I didn’t know anything about this show until Dani got the CD, and it took me a little while to get used to it. It also doesn’t have a great story, but I have grown fond of the music. It’s definitely not for kids or the faint of heart- there is a lot of drug abuse and foul language in it. (There’s a “Parental Advisory” Warning on the front of the CD case, for the love of Pete.) However, there is some really beautiful stuff in it, too- the main character (Jamie) and his brother (Michael) grieving their mother’s death, and remembering the things she used to say to them. There’s one gorgeous song that “Mom” sings called “Are you Still Holding My Hand?” that I want to sing for an audition sometime. I really love the actors who were in it- Patrick Wilson, Sherie Rene Scott (again,) Jesse L. Martin (Tom Collins from Rent), and Gavin Creel. I just love hearing that man sing. I haven’t even seen or heard him in anything else, but in this he is really good- he has a pure tenor voice, but it’s not wishy-washy at all, it sounds like he has some life experience beneath the purity of his tone.
It’s been a rather lazy day. I was supposed to work at my job that is not the bookstore today, but they didn’t need me. This is a frequent occurrence there, by the way. I’ve been on the schedule several times in the last few weeks, but they haven’t used me more than once or twice. It’s kind of frustrating- I could have worked at my other job today, or at the church, but I couldn’t make any plans because there was the possibility that I could have to work. So I’m stuck sitting here at home.
We were supposed to have an apartment inspection today, but so far nobody’s come by. I stayed up until two last night cleaning, but so far, it’s been for naught. Now I almost hope that they do come by, because it looks all right in here. And my bathroom is down right pretty- I even dusted the back of the toilet where the cat used to sit (you could still see her foot and butt prints, even though we gave her back to her rightful owner a month ago.) Apartment inspections are something that we put up with because we live in low-income housing. When you’re paying the sinfully low rent that we’re paying, you accept the fact that someone is going to come by once a year to make sure you’re not running a meth lab in your walk-in closet.
My plans for tonight are pretty tame- Danielle and I are doing our weekly Library trip/McAllister’s feeding frenzy tonight because it’s the only night that we both have free. That means that we have to tape House. There’s no way can miss it- we have to support our Hugh Laurie, especially in the face of his bitter defeat at the Emmys the other night. I’m still a little upset by that. He was robbed!
Speaking of TV, my obsession begins anew tomorrow at eight with the season premiere of Lost. What’s in that freaking hatch? Who are the other survivors on the island? Do the raft boys all survive? Where did the Others take Walt? Will Charlie take the heroin that he found in the plane? Holy crap! I don’t think I can take it- the anticipation is killing me.
All this anticipation in my life. Tomorrow, Lost, next week, the Rent soundtrack. My “waiting with baited breath” sounds ridiculous, I know. I know that I already have the original Broadway cast recording of the show and most of the original cast members are in the movie. The anticipation is about the new arrangements of the songs, the new instrumentations on the songs, the new cast members (I already know they can sing, and they knock the songs out of the park) and whether or not anything was changed to make it more “movie acceptable.” It’s sort of like a preview to the movie- and I’m really hoping for some nice production photos on the inside of the CD.
Well, that’s it. Via con Dios!
Brianne <><
At 8:24 PM,
J. M. Richards said…
I like the new look! And the pink on my blog...well, you know me. Even my webpage is pink. You'd think I was a freakin' barbie if you didn't know better. Which thankfully, you do.
BTW, I plan on doing a LOST post sometime after the premiere, in celebration of all my LOST-obsessivness. Lets see if I can get it to come out like my Alias post. I can't wait!!
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