Brianne's mundane life

Listen to me talk about the things I love. Wow. That really doesn't sound interesting.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Rude Musical Theatre

As I sit here, I am being voluntarily offended. I’m listening to Eric Idle Sings Monty Python. I don’t know why I put the CD in. At the beginning of the recording, Eric Idle says that he’s an “equal opportunity offender,” and that if you haven’t been offended yet, then to wait your turn. It really is the most extraordinary example of rudeness that I have ever been… er, privileged to listen to. There’s a song called “Every Sperm is Sacred.” I think I’m going to go turn the CD player down so my neighbors don’t hear what I’m listening to. They think I’m normal.

That’s better. I’ve just been in a comedy mood this morning. First I listened to the soundtrack from Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, which I didn’t know much about until Danielle got the CD this week. It’s got Norbert Leo Butz from Wicked in it, and let’s just say that he plays a completely different character than he did in Wicked. His character in Dirty Rotten Scoundrels is a small-time hustler, not a romantic lead like in Wicked. In Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, he sings this song called “Great Big Stuff” about all the junk he’ll buy when he’s stinking rich. He’ll have a “mansion with a moat” and Hugh Heffner will invite him over to the Playboy mansion for a game of “naked Twister.” He’ll buy his “own personal Zamboni!” and get “lots of unnecsissary surgery!” I can’t explain it very well, but it really is one of the funniest things I’ve ever heard. Danielle and I were laughing so hard in the car that we kept on having to run the CD back and listen to things we missed because we were laughing so hard.

I’ve been trying to abstain from Rent as of late, because having a dream that I was living in Rent was truly disturbing. I mean, the actual dream wasn’t disturbing, but the fact that I had it was. It’s kind of the benchmark of a true obsessive, you know? I actually have had dreams like this before- when Lost was running in its regular season last year, I had several dreams that I was living on the island. Speaking of Lost, I mentioned that Danielle got the first season on DVD. I spent the entire morning watching extras and generally ruining my brain. Guess what I will dream about tonight? That’s right, I’ll be back on the island, except Mark and Roger and Mimi will be there with me.

Today is Thursday, which means that I have praise team/worship team today. Sunday is our very first new service, and I’m “excited and a little bit scared” (to quote Into the Woods.) I’m looking forward to it, but it’s going to be a completely new chapter for our church. Which is good, it’s just sort of daunting. I’m going to have lots of responsibility in this service, because I’m on the team that’s planning it and I’m on the praise team- I think all that responsibility is what’s so daunting. Sometimes I want to go to church and just be a regular person in the congregation, you know? Good thing that that urge doesn’t come that often, or I would be stressed out all the time.

Well, it’s after noon, and I’m still in my jammies. I’d better go get dressed. This awful Monty Python CD is almost over, anyway… maybe I’ll listen to Rent. Feeding the addiction, I know. Till next time,

Brianne <><


  • At 1:51 PM, Blogger J. M. Richards said…

    WHaT? Free Ipods left a comment? WHat the crap?? Anyway, still jealous about LOST. If I don't get money soon I will scream. Did you get my email? Let's talk soon.


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