Brianne's mundane life

Listen to me talk about the things I love. Wow. That really doesn't sound interesting.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Labor day. It was truly Labor day for me, because I had to work. There is no rest when it comes to retail. The most interesting (and horrifying) thing that happened today was that someone farted right when I was ringing up his books, and then he made a quick getaway. I was trapped. There was nowhere to flee from the raunch.

The rest of the day passed in mind-numbing boredom. It was the slowest Labor day I have ever worked in Branson. Nobody wants to drive or spend money because of the gas prices being so high, so our business has been atrocious, which means that I haven't been working as much at my job that is not the bookstore. This means that I haven't been making as much money, so instead of going out to eat with my friends all the time, I stay in my house and look up news stories about Rent on the internet. So in short, the high gas prices are ruining my life.

I'm tired but I can't sleep, and I have a meeting tomorrow morning at 7 am. I hope that the other people on the youth ministry team don't mind seeing me in my pajamas. Hee hee.

My sister, Jenny called to brag about her Labor day- she got to spend the day with her friends, cooking out, swimming, and going out on someone's boat. I spent it with messy, farty customers. Not that my life is a tragedy, and I realize that I sound very whiny right now. It's just been a long day.

There's really nothing else that I have to talk about. Tomorrow: Library run and McAlister's FatFest. And oh, oh! The Lost season 1 DVD comes out. Be still my beating heart- there is something to be excited about. Until then,

Brianne <><


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