Well, today was just an average Sunday. I went to church this morning, then work this afternoon. I worked at my job that is not the bookstore today. Mostly what I do there is work in the stock room and move product out to the sales floor, so I don't have a lot of contact with people. Which is nice. There are times when you just don't want to have to look another snivelling tourist in the face and answer their question (that usually, a fourth grader could answer just as easily.) However, time seems to move rather glacially there, making a four hour shift feel like an eternity (only not as nice as eternity will be for me.) We didn't have youth tonight because of the Labor Day weekend- we encouraged kids to spend time with their families.
Yesterday I had a day off from work, so I cleaned the house. Mostly because I didn't want my roommate to kill me in my sleep. She is a lot more fastidious than I am and gets fed up with all my mess. Sometimes I feel like PigPen from Peanuts- you know, a cloud of mess followed him wherever he went. (Coincidentally, one of my friends from college, Jon, had a shirt with PigPen on it. It was brown and it said "Got Dirt?" Hee hee.) This is a strange phenomenon because I am more or less an organized person. I mean, my DVD's and CD's are in alphebetical order, but there were clothes and papers all over my room to the extent that you literally could not see the floor. I am a freak of nature. But yesterday I cleaned the kitchen and the living room and my bathroom, and I picked up all the junk and clothes in my room. I felt like a little homemaker (better than a homewrecker, right?)
I also got to talk to two of my friends from college yesterday, Laura (she and her husband live in Kentucky) and Bud (who is in seminary in Pennsylvania.) In both conversations, we talked about the hurricane and the atrocities that were happening in New Orleans. It was good to talk through how I felt about what I was seeing on TV- footage that was so horrifying that I was sitting in front of the TV crying Thursday night. I've been sort of shell-shocked the last few days. All three of us asked, "how could this happen in the U.S.?" Laura made the comment that it looked like scenes from Somalia, or something- street warfare. Thankfully, the people who survived the convention center and the Superdome have for the most part been evacuated, but there were horrors happening there that were beyond the scope of comprehension. You've all seen the footage, so I won't go into it. I've been shell-shocked this week. Please keep praying for our brothers and sisters in New Orleans- now, more than ever, we are called to be a "brotherhood of man." (PC advocates unite against me, but it's an expression.)
Anyway, that's all for tonight. It seems shallow to be thinking about pop culture at a time like this, but Rent makes me smile so that's why I listen to it. I'm going to try to get Adam Pascal's video blog to download- it hasn't worked until now. Shallow escapism... I love it. So until later,
Brianne <><
Yesterday I had a day off from work, so I cleaned the house. Mostly because I didn't want my roommate to kill me in my sleep. She is a lot more fastidious than I am and gets fed up with all my mess. Sometimes I feel like PigPen from Peanuts- you know, a cloud of mess followed him wherever he went. (Coincidentally, one of my friends from college, Jon, had a shirt with PigPen on it. It was brown and it said "Got Dirt?" Hee hee.) This is a strange phenomenon because I am more or less an organized person. I mean, my DVD's and CD's are in alphebetical order, but there were clothes and papers all over my room to the extent that you literally could not see the floor. I am a freak of nature. But yesterday I cleaned the kitchen and the living room and my bathroom, and I picked up all the junk and clothes in my room. I felt like a little homemaker (better than a homewrecker, right?)
I also got to talk to two of my friends from college yesterday, Laura (she and her husband live in Kentucky) and Bud (who is in seminary in Pennsylvania.) In both conversations, we talked about the hurricane and the atrocities that were happening in New Orleans. It was good to talk through how I felt about what I was seeing on TV- footage that was so horrifying that I was sitting in front of the TV crying Thursday night. I've been sort of shell-shocked the last few days. All three of us asked, "how could this happen in the U.S.?" Laura made the comment that it looked like scenes from Somalia, or something- street warfare. Thankfully, the people who survived the convention center and the Superdome have for the most part been evacuated, but there were horrors happening there that were beyond the scope of comprehension. You've all seen the footage, so I won't go into it. I've been shell-shocked this week. Please keep praying for our brothers and sisters in New Orleans- now, more than ever, we are called to be a "brotherhood of man." (PC advocates unite against me, but it's an expression.)
Anyway, that's all for tonight. It seems shallow to be thinking about pop culture at a time like this, but Rent makes me smile so that's why I listen to it. I'm going to try to get Adam Pascal's video blog to download- it hasn't worked until now. Shallow escapism... I love it. So until later,
Brianne <><
At 11:41 PM,
J. M. Richards said…
The Pittsburgh Project (where Anna ends up working in my Jagged Edge story) is supposed to be housing 2-300 people from New Orleans this week. It just seems wild that they will be coming all the way to Pittsburgh for help.
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