Happy Rent day!
It's the day I've been waiting for for months. When my sister gets off work today at noon, we're going to go to Cape and I will finally be watching my movie of the year. Saying that I am excited is an understatement. I woke up this morning thinking "Rent rent rent rent rent!" I cannot stand it, I can't believe that I have to wait like, ten hours more.
It's been getting really good reviews. My favorite review site, Rotten Tomatoes, had it at eighty something percent when I checked the other day, so that made me happy. I always knew that I would love it (most of the original broadway cast, hello!) but it would have made me sad if the world didn't appreciate something that I love so much or, God forbid, the movie actually wasn't very good. But from most reports it's a good movie. Expect for me to give you the full rundown tonight when I get home.
In semi-related news, Jenny and Momma and I went to see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire last night. It was really good. I didn't like it as much as I liked Prisoner of Azkaban, but I did like it very much. So much of the movie looked perfect, like the scene when Harry brings Cedric's body back. It was exactly as I had pictured it. It was a very emotional movie, and I can see how the kids' actiong has gotten better.
Anyway, I will talk more later, after I have seen Rent. Be prepared for hysterics. Till then,
Brianne <><
It's the day I've been waiting for for months. When my sister gets off work today at noon, we're going to go to Cape and I will finally be watching my movie of the year. Saying that I am excited is an understatement. I woke up this morning thinking "Rent rent rent rent rent!" I cannot stand it, I can't believe that I have to wait like, ten hours more.
It's been getting really good reviews. My favorite review site, Rotten Tomatoes, had it at eighty something percent when I checked the other day, so that made me happy. I always knew that I would love it (most of the original broadway cast, hello!) but it would have made me sad if the world didn't appreciate something that I love so much or, God forbid, the movie actually wasn't very good. But from most reports it's a good movie. Expect for me to give you the full rundown tonight when I get home.
In semi-related news, Jenny and Momma and I went to see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire last night. It was really good. I didn't like it as much as I liked Prisoner of Azkaban, but I did like it very much. So much of the movie looked perfect, like the scene when Harry brings Cedric's body back. It was exactly as I had pictured it. It was a very emotional movie, and I can see how the kids' actiong has gotten better.
Anyway, I will talk more later, after I have seen Rent. Be prepared for hysterics. Till then,
Brianne <><
At 5:57 PM,
J. M. Richards said…
Huh! I was planning on reviewing both of those movies on my next post. In which case it will almost be like you don't have to read it, since we've already discussed our opinions. Hope you had fun in springfield!
At 6:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
Ha-Ha! Rent came in fifth for the weekend, proving that we Americans don't want to see a bunch of prancing theatre freaks sing "We All Have AIDS". Serves you music-theatre weirdos right. And now I've ruined your pretty blog, too. That's what I call a productive evening.
At 1:29 PM,
Brianne said…
Actually, Bud, that only proves that SOME Americans don't want to see a bunch of "prancing theatre geeks." The rest of us weirdoes will see it five times at the theatre and buy the director's cut DVD. And by the way, wasn't the last movie that you saw in the theater "Return of the King?" In 2003?
I'm just sayin'. :-)
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