Sick Day
I’m sick.
You heard me. Sniffly nose, cough, snot everywhere… I just generally don’t feel good. I woke up at 4:30 this morning desperately needing to blow my nose and take some ibuprofen. Yesterday I had to work and I sniffled and snotted through eight hours of rude and unappreciative customers.
One smart aleck brought a copy of Terry Goodkind’s Pillars of Creation over to me and dropped it onto the counter from a height of three to five inches. I think he just wanted to hear the sound it would make when it hit the counter-this is a thick book. I gave him a “what the-?” type of look, attempting to subtly let him know that I didn’t appreciate his little gesture. He said, “Well, what have I got to lose?” meaning, of course, what did he have to lose from buying a book for four dollars. (This was how much the book cost on sale.) I said, “I don’t know, but I could have lost a finger from that,” I said. Now. That probably wasn’t the nicest thing I could have said, but it was late and I was tired and he had a bad attitude. And I didn’t say it in a mean way. I laughed a little to let him know it wasn’t a big deal. (My sense of humor tends to be dry at times. This confuses some people- they think I’m being serious when I’m not.)
Anyway, I called my family on the way home, because I know that they’re all home on Monday nights and it’s about a twenty minute drive from work to home, so we can usually get in a decent length conversation from the door of the bookstore to the door of my home. My sister and my mom didn’t have to work yesterday because it was Columbus day and they work at a school (my mom substitutes-she’s retired- and my sister is a teacher’s aide.) My sister was watching The West Wing on DVD and ironing a shirt, and even though the DVD belongs to her and she can watch it any time she wants, she still was exasperated to the point of distraction at having to talk to me. This was not an insult. It’s just the way she is. I also made the mistake of telling her that I was sick (it was pretty obvious- I sounded like a sixty-year-old smoker) so when I called back not five seconds later to ask my mom a question about a recipe, the first thing she said was, “Jenny says you’re sick.” I don’t want her to worry. I’m not that sick, it’s just a sinus thing and I’m going top be fine. I already feel better, and I get to stay home today and recuperate.
Last night I watched the Killers on Jay Leno, which made me happy. They were great. I feel about them kind of how I feel about Beck- their live performances are so much cooler than listening to them on a CD. I mean, their CD’s are great, but watching them live just takes it to a different level.
Speaking of live performances, I am so happy because the movie cast of Rent is going to be on Live with Regis and Kelly on Thursday. There’s a fansite that I go to to get Rent news and they had it posted on there. I’m going to be home that day, so I’m going to be glued to the TV. And I’m taping it because Danielle has to work. Since I’m taping it, I’ll probably rewind it and watch it a second time as soon as it’s over. And I’ll probably dance around the living room at some point, especially if they talk to any of the actors. I wonder what they’ll sing? I ask this every time they’re slated to be on some talk show, but I pretty much know that they’ll sing “Seasons of Love.” It’s the most popular song from the show, after all.
Well, this has turned into a long, rambly post. I guess that I’ll get back to being lazy- I have an important nap to take, and I’m pretty sure that there are some books that need to be read. And if things get really wild and crazy, I might watch Love Actually or Garden State again. Right now, I’m listening to my daily dose of Rent- I’ve gotten up to “Take me or Leave Me.” Tons of fun! Until something interesting happens,
Brianne <><
You heard me. Sniffly nose, cough, snot everywhere… I just generally don’t feel good. I woke up at 4:30 this morning desperately needing to blow my nose and take some ibuprofen. Yesterday I had to work and I sniffled and snotted through eight hours of rude and unappreciative customers.
One smart aleck brought a copy of Terry Goodkind’s Pillars of Creation over to me and dropped it onto the counter from a height of three to five inches. I think he just wanted to hear the sound it would make when it hit the counter-this is a thick book. I gave him a “what the-?” type of look, attempting to subtly let him know that I didn’t appreciate his little gesture. He said, “Well, what have I got to lose?” meaning, of course, what did he have to lose from buying a book for four dollars. (This was how much the book cost on sale.) I said, “I don’t know, but I could have lost a finger from that,” I said. Now. That probably wasn’t the nicest thing I could have said, but it was late and I was tired and he had a bad attitude. And I didn’t say it in a mean way. I laughed a little to let him know it wasn’t a big deal. (My sense of humor tends to be dry at times. This confuses some people- they think I’m being serious when I’m not.)
Anyway, I called my family on the way home, because I know that they’re all home on Monday nights and it’s about a twenty minute drive from work to home, so we can usually get in a decent length conversation from the door of the bookstore to the door of my home. My sister and my mom didn’t have to work yesterday because it was Columbus day and they work at a school (my mom substitutes-she’s retired- and my sister is a teacher’s aide.) My sister was watching The West Wing on DVD and ironing a shirt, and even though the DVD belongs to her and she can watch it any time she wants, she still was exasperated to the point of distraction at having to talk to me. This was not an insult. It’s just the way she is. I also made the mistake of telling her that I was sick (it was pretty obvious- I sounded like a sixty-year-old smoker) so when I called back not five seconds later to ask my mom a question about a recipe, the first thing she said was, “Jenny says you’re sick.” I don’t want her to worry. I’m not that sick, it’s just a sinus thing and I’m going top be fine. I already feel better, and I get to stay home today and recuperate.
Last night I watched the Killers on Jay Leno, which made me happy. They were great. I feel about them kind of how I feel about Beck- their live performances are so much cooler than listening to them on a CD. I mean, their CD’s are great, but watching them live just takes it to a different level.
Speaking of live performances, I am so happy because the movie cast of Rent is going to be on Live with Regis and Kelly on Thursday. There’s a fansite that I go to to get Rent news and they had it posted on there. I’m going to be home that day, so I’m going to be glued to the TV. And I’m taping it because Danielle has to work. Since I’m taping it, I’ll probably rewind it and watch it a second time as soon as it’s over. And I’ll probably dance around the living room at some point, especially if they talk to any of the actors. I wonder what they’ll sing? I ask this every time they’re slated to be on some talk show, but I pretty much know that they’ll sing “Seasons of Love.” It’s the most popular song from the show, after all.
Well, this has turned into a long, rambly post. I guess that I’ll get back to being lazy- I have an important nap to take, and I’m pretty sure that there are some books that need to be read. And if things get really wild and crazy, I might watch Love Actually or Garden State again. Right now, I’m listening to my daily dose of Rent- I’ve gotten up to “Take me or Leave Me.” Tons of fun! Until something interesting happens,
Brianne <><
At 7:35 PM,
J. M. Richards said…
I hope you feel better soon!!! We will have to chat sometime soon after we watch all our shows. I promise not to make you repeat everything if you have a sore throat, even if I couldn't hear what you said.
P.S.: My dad commented on my last couple posts...kinda funny.
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