Happy VD
What do single girls do on Valentine’s day? Well, I don’t know what normal girls do, but I spent the day at work and then came home and watched House with Danielle and Rachael. It was Rachael’s last night in Missouri, which is sad because that means that my circle of local friends just shrank to two, and I live with one of them. After I said goodbye to Rachael, I watched a little figure skating and called Jess. It was one in the morning when we finally finished talking, and when I looked at my counter on my phone, we had been on for three hours and twenty-eight minutes. Granted, we hadn’t talked in a while (like, a week,) but that’s kind of a record for us as of late. And it didn’t even feel like almost three and a half hours. We did a five-hour marathon one night, so three hours or so is the average. And to my credit, these conversations always happen after nine o’clock, which is when my free minutes start. For Jess’s thoughts on Valentine’s Day and marriage (which are similar to my own,) click the “Scope of Imagination” link in my sidebar.
And now, for today’s pop culture update:
Anyway, it’s two p.m. and I’m still sitting here in my jammies, so I had better go clean myself up. As usual, it’s Thursday and I have church stuff I have to do. And Bud? I scooped the cat litter box. Just for you. Hee hee. Till later,
Brianne <><
And now, for today’s pop culture update:
- Oh, good Lord, House. That’s another hour of TV that supersedes the Olympics. This week was particularly traumatic. House was hell-bent on proving that the migraine medication that a nemesis had developed didn’t work, so he tried it on himself. He chemically induced a migraine on himself and injected himself with the medication. It didn’t work and he said through his intense pain, “I was right.” Then he proceeded to drop acid to get rid of the headache and later, he solicited what appeared to be a prostitute. I’m sorry, was there anything about any of that stuff that was normal? He’s obviously on the edge of a complete breakdown. He also exhibits classic addictive behavior- he wants a quick solution to any problem. If he were a friend of mine, I would be begging him to get professional help, not that he would. Needless to say, I’m completely riveted. I love this show.
- For my general confusion concerning last night’s episode of Lost, visit the “Lost” link in my sidebar.
- I just listened to clips of Jason Robert Brown’s CD, Wearing Someone Else’s Clothes, on Amazon.com and I really liked it. Danielle said that she doesn’t like his voice, but I really do. I mean, he’s not as dynamic as Norbert Leo Butz or Adam Pascal or Jesse L. Martin, but he’s good, and his voice lends itself to the songs he wrote. There’s one song on there that he cut from the final draft of The Last 5 Years and it’s really cute. And as always, the piano part is completely ridonkulous. (I’m currently listening to Parade. What can I say? I needed a little Jason Robert Brown.)
Anyway, it’s two p.m. and I’m still sitting here in my jammies, so I had better go clean myself up. As usual, it’s Thursday and I have church stuff I have to do. And Bud? I scooped the cat litter box. Just for you. Hee hee. Till later,
Brianne <><
At 6:57 PM,
J. M. Richards said…
Just so you know, even though I was exhausted the next day, the the and a half hour chat was totally worth it. I so needed that, you don't know how much. I hope you get as much out of it as I do.
I also wanted you to know that I watched "Elizabethtown" just now--with my parents, which is not always wise with a movie I don't know--but we all liked it. Really liked it. As in, it'll be the next DVD I buy. It might be my "Garden State."
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