"Always winter..."
You know what is sort of pathetic? I’m sitting here, trying to think of something exciting that happened over the last couple of days, and the only thing that comes to mind is Alias last night. Sark was back! Holy crap! Is that pathetic or what? Sometimes I think that my life completely revolves around the television. House on Tuesdays, Lost and sometimes Alias on Wednesdays, Everwood on Thursdays. Not to mention what happens if anyone ever involved with Rent (stage or screen production) shows up on a talk show, or if a band I like is on late night… really. Seriously. I think I have a problem.
Okay. Getting away from my neuroses, Danielle and I are going to see a midnight showing of The Chronicles of Narnia tonight. We have good reasons for this. 1) Friday is both of our days off, and we want to spend it doing something worthwhile, like sitting around and doing nothing and 2) there will most likely not be any kids at the midnight showing, seeing that it’s a school night. Besides that, it’s going to be a tremendous movie, and I love The Chronicles of Narnia, anyway. My favorite of the books is The Voyage of the Dawn Treader- mostly because I love the scene when Eustace turns into the dragon. So, you’ll probably hear all about what I think of the movie tomorrow or the next day, but I already know that I will love it.
I’m already getting sick of winter and it’s only the beginning of December. I forgot to mention in a previous post that I had to use the hair dryer to thaw out my car recently because my windshield and frozen on the inside. In what universe does that happen? I have never heard of that happening to anyone but me. This was last Wednesday, when I was already late for work. It was horrible. Also, it snowed here last night. As you may have already guessed, I’m not a snow junkie like Danielle or my friend Rachael (she is originally from Florida, so I think that explains it.) Actually, I’m pretty ambivalent about snow. On one hand, it’s pretty (most of the time. Not today- you can still see ground. That just makes it trashy looking.) On the other hand, I hate getting in my car and going anywhere when it’s snowy or even this cold (read my previous post about how I don’t do well in cold weather.) When I was a little kid, I would stay outside until I lost a toe from frostbite, but now… meh. I’m such an old lady.
I have today off until three or three thirty or so, when I have to go into town for all the church stuff I do on Thursdays- Salt and Light, and also a meeting with the worship team. I just cooked myself some lunch- chicken and vegetable stir-fry. It’s not a stir-fry in the strictest, Oriental sense of the word, because I basically threw in every vegetable I could find in my refrigerator including tomatoes. I also added thyme, which I don’t think they use in Asian cooking. But it was good, and completely low fat. The only thing that was fattening was the Thai dipper olive oil I used to cook the chicken and onions in. The rest of it was all vegetables and free range chicken and rice. I feel so virtuous. It makes me want to bake some peanut butter cookies to celebrate.
Anyway, that’s about it for me today. Next time: I tell you what I think about The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Till then,
Brianne <><
Okay. Getting away from my neuroses, Danielle and I are going to see a midnight showing of The Chronicles of Narnia tonight. We have good reasons for this. 1) Friday is both of our days off, and we want to spend it doing something worthwhile, like sitting around and doing nothing and 2) there will most likely not be any kids at the midnight showing, seeing that it’s a school night. Besides that, it’s going to be a tremendous movie, and I love The Chronicles of Narnia, anyway. My favorite of the books is The Voyage of the Dawn Treader- mostly because I love the scene when Eustace turns into the dragon. So, you’ll probably hear all about what I think of the movie tomorrow or the next day, but I already know that I will love it.
I’m already getting sick of winter and it’s only the beginning of December. I forgot to mention in a previous post that I had to use the hair dryer to thaw out my car recently because my windshield and frozen on the inside. In what universe does that happen? I have never heard of that happening to anyone but me. This was last Wednesday, when I was already late for work. It was horrible. Also, it snowed here last night. As you may have already guessed, I’m not a snow junkie like Danielle or my friend Rachael (she is originally from Florida, so I think that explains it.) Actually, I’m pretty ambivalent about snow. On one hand, it’s pretty (most of the time. Not today- you can still see ground. That just makes it trashy looking.) On the other hand, I hate getting in my car and going anywhere when it’s snowy or even this cold (read my previous post about how I don’t do well in cold weather.) When I was a little kid, I would stay outside until I lost a toe from frostbite, but now… meh. I’m such an old lady.
I have today off until three or three thirty or so, when I have to go into town for all the church stuff I do on Thursdays- Salt and Light, and also a meeting with the worship team. I just cooked myself some lunch- chicken and vegetable stir-fry. It’s not a stir-fry in the strictest, Oriental sense of the word, because I basically threw in every vegetable I could find in my refrigerator including tomatoes. I also added thyme, which I don’t think they use in Asian cooking. But it was good, and completely low fat. The only thing that was fattening was the Thai dipper olive oil I used to cook the chicken and onions in. The rest of it was all vegetables and free range chicken and rice. I feel so virtuous. It makes me want to bake some peanut butter cookies to celebrate.
Anyway, that’s about it for me today. Next time: I tell you what I think about The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Till then,
Brianne <><
At 9:35 PM,
J. M. Richards said…
Ha! I started reading this while I was on the phone with you. Say it with me...ahh, Sark.
By the way, I AM completely jealous that you're seeing LWW nine hours before me. I have been anticipating this moment for a VERY long time.
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