Okay, I know that I said I wouldn’t post until I had something interesting to say, but this has gotten ridiculous. I mean, it’s been like, a week and a half. So here goes- make your own judgment.
At this moment, I’m sitting in my pajamas listening to the soundtrack to the Full Monty musical. It’s hilarious and in some places, touching. And in some other places, completely offensive and inappropriate. However, it makes me laugh. That probably says something about my character. I was listening to Ragtime, which is beautiful and depressing, so I had to stop it. This is my partial day off. I don’t need to be depressed on my partial day off.
I technically had something to do today, that being a meeting with the youth directors in town to plan community-wide youth events. I learned about it sort of at the last minute so it wasn’t on my schedule, but the people involved are really nice and I want to get involved with them. The reason I declined was that I have been stopped up full of snot for the last couple of days, to be blunt. I have not felt incredible. I have to perform next week, so I decided not to take any chances. I decided to be a bum today and just take some time to rest, so I’ll be fresh for rehearsal tonight and next week.
On to pop culture: Hugh Laurie won the Golden Globe for best actor in a TV drama! I was so happy for him. I didn’t get to watch the awards show, but I read about it in USA Today the next day and was overjoyed to find Hugh on the front page of the Life section. I think that I am going to cut out the picture and put it on our refrigerator. He looked quite handsome, as a matter of fact. My obsession with House and Hugh have now reached epic proportions. I’m actually surprised that I haven’t watched any House today- I’ll have to do that before I go to praise team practice. I don’t know what it is, I just love Hugh Laurie. I mean, I would have been happy for Matthew Fox or Patrick Dempsey (nominated for Lost and Grey’s Anatomy, respectively) but I’m just overjoyed that Hugh won. Lost won best drama and Sandra Oh from Grey’s Anatomy won best supporting actress and I was rooting for them, too, so it was an altogether enjoyable awards experience for me.
I think it’s telling that I got most worked up about the TV category at the Golden Globes this year. Most of the movies I liked this year aren’t really being recognized in the awards, with the exception of Pride and Prejudice. Actors that I really like (Laura Linney, Rachel Weisz, Jonathan Rhys-Meyers) have all been in movies that I haven’t seen, and it doesn’t matter anyway because Brokeback Mountain is going to win it all. This movie is probably great, but I just don’t like having something shoved down my throat like Brokeback Mountain has been. It’s all anyone has been talking about. I haven’t seen it yet, and that’s not because it’s about gay people. I mean, Rent is one of my favorite musicals, for the love of Pete.
I think it’s just because I don’t like fads. I haven’t read The Da Vinci Code, and I won’t touch any of Oprah’s books with a ten-foot pole. That’s not saying that they’re bad books or that I’ll never, ever read them. And, I’m not immune to liking something that a lot of people like- Lost is one of the most popular TV shows in America, and The Lord of the Rings movies did a ton of box-office. The thing with those is, I liked them from the beginning, so it was like everyone else in the world was catching on to something that I already knew was awesome. I know that I’m a terrible snob, but I think that the reason that I don’t like fads is that I don’t like being told what to like an what not to like. I like to form my own opinions. I would rather be a salmon than a sheep. So maybe I’m not a snob as much as I’m allowing my rebellious nature to rear its ugly head. Not necessarily a pleasant thought.
Anyway, this has turned into a long and exhaustive post, so I’m going to go watch one of the episodes of House that I have on DVD. Gots to have my Hugh Laurie, that’s right. Thank God he’s British and was basically unknown to American audiences before House, right? Otherwise I couldn’t like him. Hee hee. Till later,
Brianne <><
At this moment, I’m sitting in my pajamas listening to the soundtrack to the Full Monty musical. It’s hilarious and in some places, touching. And in some other places, completely offensive and inappropriate. However, it makes me laugh. That probably says something about my character. I was listening to Ragtime, which is beautiful and depressing, so I had to stop it. This is my partial day off. I don’t need to be depressed on my partial day off.
I technically had something to do today, that being a meeting with the youth directors in town to plan community-wide youth events. I learned about it sort of at the last minute so it wasn’t on my schedule, but the people involved are really nice and I want to get involved with them. The reason I declined was that I have been stopped up full of snot for the last couple of days, to be blunt. I have not felt incredible. I have to perform next week, so I decided not to take any chances. I decided to be a bum today and just take some time to rest, so I’ll be fresh for rehearsal tonight and next week.
On to pop culture: Hugh Laurie won the Golden Globe for best actor in a TV drama! I was so happy for him. I didn’t get to watch the awards show, but I read about it in USA Today the next day and was overjoyed to find Hugh on the front page of the Life section. I think that I am going to cut out the picture and put it on our refrigerator. He looked quite handsome, as a matter of fact. My obsession with House and Hugh have now reached epic proportions. I’m actually surprised that I haven’t watched any House today- I’ll have to do that before I go to praise team practice. I don’t know what it is, I just love Hugh Laurie. I mean, I would have been happy for Matthew Fox or Patrick Dempsey (nominated for Lost and Grey’s Anatomy, respectively) but I’m just overjoyed that Hugh won. Lost won best drama and Sandra Oh from Grey’s Anatomy won best supporting actress and I was rooting for them, too, so it was an altogether enjoyable awards experience for me.
I think it’s telling that I got most worked up about the TV category at the Golden Globes this year. Most of the movies I liked this year aren’t really being recognized in the awards, with the exception of Pride and Prejudice. Actors that I really like (Laura Linney, Rachel Weisz, Jonathan Rhys-Meyers) have all been in movies that I haven’t seen, and it doesn’t matter anyway because Brokeback Mountain is going to win it all. This movie is probably great, but I just don’t like having something shoved down my throat like Brokeback Mountain has been. It’s all anyone has been talking about. I haven’t seen it yet, and that’s not because it’s about gay people. I mean, Rent is one of my favorite musicals, for the love of Pete.
I think it’s just because I don’t like fads. I haven’t read The Da Vinci Code, and I won’t touch any of Oprah’s books with a ten-foot pole. That’s not saying that they’re bad books or that I’ll never, ever read them. And, I’m not immune to liking something that a lot of people like- Lost is one of the most popular TV shows in America, and The Lord of the Rings movies did a ton of box-office. The thing with those is, I liked them from the beginning, so it was like everyone else in the world was catching on to something that I already knew was awesome. I know that I’m a terrible snob, but I think that the reason that I don’t like fads is that I don’t like being told what to like an what not to like. I like to form my own opinions. I would rather be a salmon than a sheep. So maybe I’m not a snob as much as I’m allowing my rebellious nature to rear its ugly head. Not necessarily a pleasant thought.
Anyway, this has turned into a long and exhaustive post, so I’m going to go watch one of the episodes of House that I have on DVD. Gots to have my Hugh Laurie, that’s right. Thank God he’s British and was basically unknown to American audiences before House, right? Otherwise I couldn’t like him. Hee hee. Till later,
Brianne <><
At 7:46 PM,
J. M. Richards said…
Yay for salmon! Except for eating. And Boo for fads! I'm glad for you that your Hughie won. And yay for LOST!! Lost is awesome. We should talk abotu the last two eps. :) (I have no idea why I'm so peppy in my comments!)
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