My roommate, Danielle and I are having a junk-foodathon tonight. Drug of choice: Bugles. I obviously have not gotten very far into reading the Morgan Spurlock book yet.
Danielle is watching episodes of Monty Python's Flying Circus on DVD, but there is only so much of that stuff that I can take before I feel like I should scrape my brain clean, you know? Don't get me wrong, I love those guys. And they have completely warped my sense of humor. (It was warped before I was introduced to their psychosis, but now things are even worse.) There is such a thing as too much of a good thing. Especially if the good thing is something as twisted as the Pythons.
Speaking of Danielle, she got promoted recently. So if you see her on the street, say, "I'm proud of you!" Last night she told me that if she works more than 44 hours a week, then she'll actually be making less than she does now, and that's with getting a raise along with the promotion. She has worked more than 44 hours a week before, so this is not that much of a stretch.
Today I sort of had a day off. I got to sleep in, which was nice. When I got up, I sat around the house, ate leftover mashed potatoes for breakfast/lunch, and listened to the entire Rent soundtrack from beginning to end. I have pathetic news to report: I have worn out my CD for Act 2. "Seasons of Love" and "Happy New Year A" completely do not work. Isn't that sad? I had to skip over those two, which throws me off for the entire second act. I realize that the fact that I have worn out my CD and am this upset about it makes me a bona-fide freak, but I don't care. "La vie Boheme!" and all that jazz.
I also went to Amazon. com to find out about the soundtrack (date, price, etc.) and they had a list of all the tracks on the new movie soundtrack. I almost pooped in my pants, you guys. It was like seeing a blueprint for the movie. I found out that they cleared up the timeline a little by putting "You'll See" (the scene where Benny comes to talk to Roger and Mark about the rent) before "One Song, Glory" and "Light my Candle" (Roger sings, and he and Mimi meet for the first time.) They also cut out my least favorite song in the show ("Contact," which is basically the big sex scene in the stage version) and left in all my favorites ("One Song, Glory," "Light My Candle," "Another Day," and "What You Own.") "Seasons of Love," which is probably the most popular song from the show, is now at the very beginning. I suspect that they're going to use that over the credits to establish the mood of the movie. I think that's great. In the stage verson, it's at the beginning of Act 2, and that's basically what it does there. In the stage version, the company is just lined up across the procenium singing in true musical theatre style. Actually, I'll bet that the original Broadway cast is sick to death of singing that freaking song. Any time there's going to be a live performance from the cast of Rent, I know that's what they're going to sing. Why not "Rent" or "Finale B?" They're both big company numbers and they, for the most part, don't have any questionable stuff in them (Not like "La Vie Boheme," where they talk about "anything taboo" in graphic terms, or "Tango: Maureen" where Mark drops the F-bomb several times.) Anyway, that's just one of those things about which I like to speculate. I was happy that when they were on the Today show, Anthony Rapp and Adam Pascal got to sing "What you Own." It really is one of my favorites. (When Danielle and I sing along to that in the car, she sings Mark's part and I sing Roger's part.)
By the way, talking about Rent this much made me have to go to the website and turn on the music player. It starts off with Adam Pascal singing "One Song, Glory." There is so much emotion in his voice. I've always thought that Roger felt defeated in this scene, because his future looks so bleak and he's lost so much. In this new version of this song, you can just feel the desperation in his voice. It's extremely powerful.
Jessica was disappointed that she didn't know anything about the show because for the most part, we obsess about all the same things. Lost, Alias, the Harry Potter books, lots of music, Lord of the Rings, etc. So she went to the website and listened to the songs, and she watched the trailers. And I spent about twenty minutes running the show down for her, beginning to end. I tried to keep my comments about the individual motivations of the characters to a minimum.
Anyway, I'm going to stop obsessing about that As for the rest of the day, I had to go up to church for praise team practice and worship team meeting. (I almost typed the word committee, but we're trying to get away from that term.) We're working hard on planning our new service. I'm so excited about it. We're doing something new! We're going somewhere that out church has never gone. We're actually stirring up the way church is done, the way the congregation thinks about church, and we're providing an alternative to the ordinary for those of us who despise the ordinary. I know that what we're doing is not new when it comes to the Church in general, but it's new and exciting for First Presbyterian, Branson.
Our first new service is on Sept 11, which I think I have mentioned before. It's hard to say "September 11" without cringing, isn't it? Even when it's not "9/11" or "September 11, 2001." My friend, Aaron's birthday is on the 11th, and ever since 2001, it's been hard for him. That day was supposed to be a joyous, 21st birthday celebration for him, and instead we were crying and lighting candles and holding prayer vigils for the dead. I'm not going to get into a discussion about what I was doing on September 11, because it's looking backwards. We can all remember what we were doing that day. Instead, I'm really glad that we're starting our new service on that day. Maybe it will make a new, joyous memory for us.
I have good news in that Travis told me today that he has talked to our friend, Trey and he is safe and sound. Trey lives in Louisiana and I didn't know what his proximity was to the hurricane. So, Trey, if you're reading this, I'm glad you're okay! Everyone please pray for the residents of New Orleans. There are a lot of people still stuck down there in very poor conditions- shelters that are unsafe, not enough food or water, no communications. Not to mention the water flooding the majority of the city- that will spread disease like wildfire. It really is like a war zone down there. I don't even know what to pray for, but God does- it's just up to me to petition on others' behalf.
It's time for me to sign off, so Adios! Until tomorrow,
Brianne <><
Danielle is watching episodes of Monty Python's Flying Circus on DVD, but there is only so much of that stuff that I can take before I feel like I should scrape my brain clean, you know? Don't get me wrong, I love those guys. And they have completely warped my sense of humor. (It was warped before I was introduced to their psychosis, but now things are even worse.) There is such a thing as too much of a good thing. Especially if the good thing is something as twisted as the Pythons.
Speaking of Danielle, she got promoted recently. So if you see her on the street, say, "I'm proud of you!" Last night she told me that if she works more than 44 hours a week, then she'll actually be making less than she does now, and that's with getting a raise along with the promotion. She has worked more than 44 hours a week before, so this is not that much of a stretch.
Today I sort of had a day off. I got to sleep in, which was nice. When I got up, I sat around the house, ate leftover mashed potatoes for breakfast/lunch, and listened to the entire Rent soundtrack from beginning to end. I have pathetic news to report: I have worn out my CD for Act 2. "Seasons of Love" and "Happy New Year A" completely do not work. Isn't that sad? I had to skip over those two, which throws me off for the entire second act. I realize that the fact that I have worn out my CD and am this upset about it makes me a bona-fide freak, but I don't care. "La vie Boheme!" and all that jazz.
I also went to Amazon. com to find out about the soundtrack (date, price, etc.) and they had a list of all the tracks on the new movie soundtrack. I almost pooped in my pants, you guys. It was like seeing a blueprint for the movie. I found out that they cleared up the timeline a little by putting "You'll See" (the scene where Benny comes to talk to Roger and Mark about the rent) before "One Song, Glory" and "Light my Candle" (Roger sings, and he and Mimi meet for the first time.) They also cut out my least favorite song in the show ("Contact," which is basically the big sex scene in the stage version) and left in all my favorites ("One Song, Glory," "Light My Candle," "Another Day," and "What You Own.") "Seasons of Love," which is probably the most popular song from the show, is now at the very beginning. I suspect that they're going to use that over the credits to establish the mood of the movie. I think that's great. In the stage verson, it's at the beginning of Act 2, and that's basically what it does there. In the stage version, the company is just lined up across the procenium singing in true musical theatre style. Actually, I'll bet that the original Broadway cast is sick to death of singing that freaking song. Any time there's going to be a live performance from the cast of Rent, I know that's what they're going to sing. Why not "Rent" or "Finale B?" They're both big company numbers and they, for the most part, don't have any questionable stuff in them (Not like "La Vie Boheme," where they talk about "anything taboo" in graphic terms, or "Tango: Maureen" where Mark drops the F-bomb several times.) Anyway, that's just one of those things about which I like to speculate. I was happy that when they were on the Today show, Anthony Rapp and Adam Pascal got to sing "What you Own." It really is one of my favorites. (When Danielle and I sing along to that in the car, she sings Mark's part and I sing Roger's part.)
By the way, talking about Rent this much made me have to go to the website and turn on the music player. It starts off with Adam Pascal singing "One Song, Glory." There is so much emotion in his voice. I've always thought that Roger felt defeated in this scene, because his future looks so bleak and he's lost so much. In this new version of this song, you can just feel the desperation in his voice. It's extremely powerful.
Jessica was disappointed that she didn't know anything about the show because for the most part, we obsess about all the same things. Lost, Alias, the Harry Potter books, lots of music, Lord of the Rings, etc. So she went to the website and listened to the songs, and she watched the trailers. And I spent about twenty minutes running the show down for her, beginning to end. I tried to keep my comments about the individual motivations of the characters to a minimum.
Anyway, I'm going to stop obsessing about that As for the rest of the day, I had to go up to church for praise team practice and worship team meeting. (I almost typed the word committee, but we're trying to get away from that term.) We're working hard on planning our new service. I'm so excited about it. We're doing something new! We're going somewhere that out church has never gone. We're actually stirring up the way church is done, the way the congregation thinks about church, and we're providing an alternative to the ordinary for those of us who despise the ordinary. I know that what we're doing is not new when it comes to the Church in general, but it's new and exciting for First Presbyterian, Branson.
Our first new service is on Sept 11, which I think I have mentioned before. It's hard to say "September 11" without cringing, isn't it? Even when it's not "9/11" or "September 11, 2001." My friend, Aaron's birthday is on the 11th, and ever since 2001, it's been hard for him. That day was supposed to be a joyous, 21st birthday celebration for him, and instead we were crying and lighting candles and holding prayer vigils for the dead. I'm not going to get into a discussion about what I was doing on September 11, because it's looking backwards. We can all remember what we were doing that day. Instead, I'm really glad that we're starting our new service on that day. Maybe it will make a new, joyous memory for us.
I have good news in that Travis told me today that he has talked to our friend, Trey and he is safe and sound. Trey lives in Louisiana and I didn't know what his proximity was to the hurricane. So, Trey, if you're reading this, I'm glad you're okay! Everyone please pray for the residents of New Orleans. There are a lot of people still stuck down there in very poor conditions- shelters that are unsafe, not enough food or water, no communications. Not to mention the water flooding the majority of the city- that will spread disease like wildfire. It really is like a war zone down there. I don't even know what to pray for, but God does- it's just up to me to petition on others' behalf.
It's time for me to sign off, so Adios! Until tomorrow,
Brianne <><
At 1:44 PM,
J. M. Richards said…
I tired to think of a pithy, snarky, or otherwise witty comment to leave on this post, but I think I used it all up during our three-hour-chat last night. Sorry. But I did enjoy it! the chat...and the post. :)
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