Today I was supposed to go to church and work, but I hurt my back yesterday. I was getting out of my car at the gas station and something just popped. I think that it was my body's way of rebelling against the truly heinous gas prices.
I was on my way to work at the bookstore when this happened, so what I was I supposed to do? There are only three of us working there right now, so if I had called in, I would have really been inconveniencing everyone. By the time five o'clock rolled around, my back hurt so bad that I was doubled over. I looked like the Hunchback of Notre Dame. I'm sure I scared some small children.
Jessica and I talked last night after I got off, so I complained to her and said that I was tempted to skive off church today to recouperate. She asked, "Why don't you?" Wise woman, that Jessica. What a good friend. I was also listening to the soundtrack from the Broadway show Aida, and I got extremely distracted every time Adam Pascal started singing. Jess is patient, too.
This morning I woke up and my back was still hurting, but I got mostly ready for church, trying to ignore it. It was taking me almighty forever to put on my makeup and fix my hair, I can tell you. It got to be fifteen minutes before I had to leave and my clothes were still wrinky. Usually, fifteen minutes is more than enough time to finish getting ready to go somewhere, but not today. So I called work (my other job, not the bookstore,) and told them that I couldn't come in, and I called Travis to let him know that I wasn't coming to church. I didn't want anyone to worry, because they all know that the only reasons I wouldn't come to church would be "meteor, extreme loss of blood, or death," (to paraphrase Two Weeks Notice.) At least I didn't have to sing, or anything.
So today has been laziness to the extreme, and I feel incredibly guilty about it. Sure, I'm in unbelieveable pain, but I've gone to work with a fever before. I've gone to work sick to my stomach, thowing up in the bathroom between customers. You would think I could handle a little back pain, right? Yeah. "But it hurts!" I whine. I have to go to work tomorrow. Hopefully things will be better then.
On a happier note, I was sitting at the computer with a hot pad pressed onto my back (I know, unwelcome image,) hoping that the internet would connect long enough for me to download the new Rent trailer. I guess that Sunday is the one day a week I can expect it to be reliable, because it worked. You guys, this trailer was so moving that I cried. Twice. And that's not just the high levels of ibuprofen in my blood talking, either. I am so excited about this movie that I can hardly contain myself. If you want to watch it, go to: Then click on "Watch new trailer" over in the sidebar. You won't be disappointed, I promise you. Unless you hate the musical, in which case, I'll pray for you.
Anyway, that's all for now. I'm going to go lay down with my hot pad and my ibuprofen and watch episodes of Friends on DVD. Or maybe I'll listen to Aida again. Both of those make me happy. Cheerio,
Brianne <><
I was on my way to work at the bookstore when this happened, so what I was I supposed to do? There are only three of us working there right now, so if I had called in, I would have really been inconveniencing everyone. By the time five o'clock rolled around, my back hurt so bad that I was doubled over. I looked like the Hunchback of Notre Dame. I'm sure I scared some small children.
Jessica and I talked last night after I got off, so I complained to her and said that I was tempted to skive off church today to recouperate. She asked, "Why don't you?" Wise woman, that Jessica. What a good friend. I was also listening to the soundtrack from the Broadway show Aida, and I got extremely distracted every time Adam Pascal started singing. Jess is patient, too.
This morning I woke up and my back was still hurting, but I got mostly ready for church, trying to ignore it. It was taking me almighty forever to put on my makeup and fix my hair, I can tell you. It got to be fifteen minutes before I had to leave and my clothes were still wrinky. Usually, fifteen minutes is more than enough time to finish getting ready to go somewhere, but not today. So I called work (my other job, not the bookstore,) and told them that I couldn't come in, and I called Travis to let him know that I wasn't coming to church. I didn't want anyone to worry, because they all know that the only reasons I wouldn't come to church would be "meteor, extreme loss of blood, or death," (to paraphrase Two Weeks Notice.) At least I didn't have to sing, or anything.
So today has been laziness to the extreme, and I feel incredibly guilty about it. Sure, I'm in unbelieveable pain, but I've gone to work with a fever before. I've gone to work sick to my stomach, thowing up in the bathroom between customers. You would think I could handle a little back pain, right? Yeah. "But it hurts!" I whine. I have to go to work tomorrow. Hopefully things will be better then.
On a happier note, I was sitting at the computer with a hot pad pressed onto my back (I know, unwelcome image,) hoping that the internet would connect long enough for me to download the new Rent trailer. I guess that Sunday is the one day a week I can expect it to be reliable, because it worked. You guys, this trailer was so moving that I cried. Twice. And that's not just the high levels of ibuprofen in my blood talking, either. I am so excited about this movie that I can hardly contain myself. If you want to watch it, go to: Then click on "Watch new trailer" over in the sidebar. You won't be disappointed, I promise you. Unless you hate the musical, in which case, I'll pray for you.
Anyway, that's all for now. I'm going to go lay down with my hot pad and my ibuprofen and watch episodes of Friends on DVD. Or maybe I'll listen to Aida again. Both of those make me happy. Cheerio,
Brianne <><
At 6:47 PM,
J. M. Richards said…
I'm sooo glad you were able to skive off after all and I hope your day of rest has helped you feel better. Thanx for saying nice things about me in your blog. ;) I always have fun chatting wiht you, and reading your blog in between chats is just great.
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