It's my day off and I'm bored, so here I am again.
I'm halfway watching a rerun of House, but I'm taping it for my ever-patient roommate Danielle. She has a very small obsession with Hugh Laurie and all other British actors (even the ugly ones.) I think it's the accent. Anyway, I had a few phone calls to make and missed part of the episode, so I'll catch it when Danielle watches it.
Okay. I'm going to stop obsessing about that. I'm so passionate about music that when I get started it's hard to stop.
This day has been blessedly uneventful. I didn't even change out of my pajamas all day. I literally did nothing. It's nice, because normally my life can be pretty hectic (two jobs and volunteering takes up a lot of my time.) My day started at ten. Actually, someone called at nine and woke me up, but they didn't leave a message on the machine so I didn't pick up. ( We screen. That offends some people, but we had a major problem with telemarketers and at least one strange boy a couple of years ago, so it's just become something we do.) I didn't really go back to sleep, I just laid there thinking about "life, the universe, and everything."
When I did get up, I puttered around the apartment for a little while, sacked out on the couch with a peach (for breakfast) and watched the season finale of Lost over again. (you can learn more about Lost by going>here.) I have it on video tape. That was mostly for the amazing music at the end of that episode. (Michael Giacchino, you are a god among insects. I hope you win an Emmy.) Then I got up and cooked pasta and red sauce. I started to call it spaghetti, but it wasn't because I didn't use spaghetti noodles. I only really like three types of pasta and here they are: bowties, angel hair, and shells. I'll eat spaghetti if I have to. My ever-patient roommate Danielle informed me the other night that "it tastes the same" (quoting Rent again) and I know this, but it doesn't matter. I'm a texture person.
For the rest of the day, I read books, surfed the net, and worked on a project on my computer. I really like to write, I always have. I've been writing stuff down since I could hold a pencil and I've always been taken with the written word. It's sort of just a hobby, but who knows? Maybe someday.... anyway, my friend, Jessica in Pittsburgh and I send each other copies of the stories that we write and give each other notes on them. It's a great way for us to get feedback on stuff from someone we trust, and I completely trust Jess with anything I write. Besides that, she is a truly talented and gifted author who isn't published yet, but she will be. Remember this name: J.M. Richards. You heard it here first.
Then I went to the Rent website and heard those amazing clips of songs, so I called Danielle at work screaming "Holy crap it's amazing go there now Adam Pascal new version of 'One Song, Glory' Rosario Dawson can sing oh my gosh!" But we've already talked about that, so I'll try to restrain myself this time. Then I called my family, intending to do the same thing, but my dad answered the phone so that put a little damper on my musical fervor. My dad is hugely supportive of all my musical endeavors He has never once made a comment about the fact that I am not using the major he and my mom paid for four (and a half) years of college so I could earn, but I know that he is just not that interested in musicals that I am not in. So he passed the phone off to my mom, who was interested up to the point that she appreciated the fact that I was interested. My sister, Jenny was not home. I don't think she cares either. The only person who would scream with me was Danielle, but she was at work and I hear they frown on screaming uncontrollably. Something about how it scares the guests.
Anyway, that more or less brings me back up to the present, watching House and posting. And now, this has turned into a small novel, so it's time to say goodnight. I need to listen to some more Rent. Till next time,
Brianne <><
I'm halfway watching a rerun of House, but I'm taping it for my ever-patient roommate Danielle. She has a very small obsession with Hugh Laurie and all other British actors (even the ugly ones.) I think it's the accent. Anyway, I had a few phone calls to make and missed part of the episode, so I'll catch it when Danielle watches it.
**What you are about to read is going to sound dorky and obsessive. I apologize. I tried, but there is no way that I could have possibly made it sound less dorky or obsessive.**
I almost had a coronary episode earlier because I went to the Rent movie website and they had audio from the new soundtrack. This is something that I have been waiting for ever since I heard that there were new cast members and they would be recording a new soundtrack. I am telling you, as a person who has listened to the entire show once a day for the last three months, I am well-acquainted with the nuances of each performance. I love them all. There is not a weak performance among the original cast. But listening to the snippets of the new recordings... oh man. Oh man. Let's just say, Adam Pascal singing the new version of "One Song, Glory" had me physically shaking, and they only have thirty seconds or so of it on the website. His performance ten years ago was phenomenal, this takes it up a notch from to... inspired. (What is above phenomenal?) And Rosario Dawson is amazing as Mimi. I knew that she was a good actor, but I had never heard her sing before today, and she is really good. Besides that, the new arrangements of the music are all great, too. It definitely has a more updated, rock sound. I am so excited about the soundtrack coming out in September that I can't stand it. Having that in my hand will keep me from freaking out before the movie comes out in November. Holy crap.Okay. I'm going to stop obsessing about that. I'm so passionate about music that when I get started it's hard to stop.
This day has been blessedly uneventful. I didn't even change out of my pajamas all day. I literally did nothing. It's nice, because normally my life can be pretty hectic (two jobs and volunteering takes up a lot of my time.) My day started at ten. Actually, someone called at nine and woke me up, but they didn't leave a message on the machine so I didn't pick up. ( We screen. That offends some people, but we had a major problem with telemarketers and at least one strange boy a couple of years ago, so it's just become something we do.) I didn't really go back to sleep, I just laid there thinking about "life, the universe, and everything."
When I did get up, I puttered around the apartment for a little while, sacked out on the couch with a peach (for breakfast) and watched the season finale of Lost over again. (you can learn more about Lost by going>here.) I have it on video tape. That was mostly for the amazing music at the end of that episode. (Michael Giacchino, you are a god among insects. I hope you win an Emmy.) Then I got up and cooked pasta and red sauce. I started to call it spaghetti, but it wasn't because I didn't use spaghetti noodles. I only really like three types of pasta and here they are: bowties, angel hair, and shells. I'll eat spaghetti if I have to. My ever-patient roommate Danielle informed me the other night that "it tastes the same" (quoting Rent again) and I know this, but it doesn't matter. I'm a texture person.
For the rest of the day, I read books, surfed the net, and worked on a project on my computer. I really like to write, I always have. I've been writing stuff down since I could hold a pencil and I've always been taken with the written word. It's sort of just a hobby, but who knows? Maybe someday.... anyway, my friend, Jessica in Pittsburgh and I send each other copies of the stories that we write and give each other notes on them. It's a great way for us to get feedback on stuff from someone we trust, and I completely trust Jess with anything I write. Besides that, she is a truly talented and gifted author who isn't published yet, but she will be. Remember this name: J.M. Richards. You heard it here first.
Then I went to the Rent website and heard those amazing clips of songs, so I called Danielle at work screaming "Holy crap it's amazing go there now Adam Pascal new version of 'One Song, Glory' Rosario Dawson can sing oh my gosh!" But we've already talked about that, so I'll try to restrain myself this time. Then I called my family, intending to do the same thing, but my dad answered the phone so that put a little damper on my musical fervor. My dad is hugely supportive of all my musical endeavors He has never once made a comment about the fact that I am not using the major he and my mom paid for four (and a half) years of college so I could earn, but I know that he is just not that interested in musicals that I am not in. So he passed the phone off to my mom, who was interested up to the point that she appreciated the fact that I was interested. My sister, Jenny was not home. I don't think she cares either. The only person who would scream with me was Danielle, but she was at work and I hear they frown on screaming uncontrollably. Something about how it scares the guests.
Anyway, that more or less brings me back up to the present, watching House and posting. And now, this has turned into a small novel, so it's time to say goodnight. I need to listen to some more Rent. Till next time,
Brianne <><
At 7:03 AM,
J. M. Richards said…
Brianne, you are such a sweetie. But you forgot to mention what an amazingly gifted writer YOU are! I am glad you had such a wonderful relaxing day off. I think I am just going to have to find a copy of rent so I can listen to it myself and see what all the fuss is about. (Of course, not when my parents are in the room.) Because it's sooo much more fun to obsess with friends.
P.S. Don't you love how this keeps us in touch in between our marathon phone chats?
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