I know "Big Girls Don't Cry," but this one took her Big Body and sat underneath the desk to make herself feel Better.
I think I need a vacation. This is sad, because I've only been at my new job for about five months now, but seriously. The last two days at work have been so busy that I have felt violated. Most of the other people I work with hate being on desk with a passion. I actually kind of like it, but the last two days have made me realize why they all hate it so much. It's just been a constant stream of cranky retirees with too much of their pension to spend on their vacation.
Today, some pervert skeeved on my tattoo when I bent over and another guy told me that I've "got a big body." I am not lying. He asked me what my major had been in college and I said, "music" and he asked whether I sang opera and I said yes. He said, "well, you've got a big body" and went on to say that that's what opera singers need. Now, I realize that he probably just had "foot in mouth" disease, but still. What's with the stereotype that all opera singers are fat? And what's with him seeing me, a big girl, and automatically assuming I must be an opera singer? You know what I said to him? I told him that Kiri Te Kanawa was skinny and she played Susannah, and that they must just be growing them differently down in New Zealand, where Kiri is from. He had no idea what I was talking about, by the way. I don't think he'd ever heard of Kiri Te Kanawa. Anyway, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry about the comment, especially in light of the fact that that perverted guy had just been so gross about my tattoo (asking to see it again, asking probing questions about what it meant in a weird tone of voice, and generally just letting me know he'd seen my bare skin and was happy about it.) I was kind of scarred by both interactions, so I sat underneath the desk for a while. It's closed on one side and it makes a nice little cave down there. I've found that it calms me down to sit under there and collect my thoughts for a second. It's kind of like how, in college, I would wear a tiara while I did my homework. There was just something about it that made everything better.
My friend, Mitch tried to make me feel better. ("You look good!" he said earnestly. I believed him, just because he's so earnest.) Also, being my supervisor, he let me go on break. I subsequently had the worst break on record because while I was eating my TV dinner in Josh's office, Colton came in and accidentally spilled my lemonade all over me. He was acting like a Spartan at the time and swinging this long stick around. (it's a boy thing, I guess.) He didn't mean to and I wasn't mad at him, but it made me all wet and it made him feel bad. So I spent the rest of my break wet and hungry because I didn't have anything else to eat. Pity, pity me.
In other news, I have discovered the wide world of watching TV online. It's feeding my growing Gilmore Girls addiction, I'm telling you that much. Besides that, I looked up Milo Ventimiglia on imdb.com and found that he'd been in the video for "Big Girls Don't Cry" by Fergie. (Subsequently, I wish I was cool enough to just go by one name. I wonder: is Fergie really even her first name? I digress.) Anyway, I don't particularly care for Fergie, but I watched the video, anyway, because I loves me some Milo. My first reaction was, "dang, he's hot," and my second was "but sleazy-looking." I never knew he had such a talent for looking like a heel. Not to mention the fact that the costumer glued fake tattoos all over his (well-muscled) body. I swear, every time he was on screen, there was a new one. I was torn between wanting to see more of his impressive chest and arms and wanting him to put on a shirt to cover up the fakeness of the tattoos. Now, I love tattoos more than the next girl, but this was a little excessive. It was like, "look, this boy's got tattoos, he must be bad!" Also, there was a nagging in the back of my mind that said, "My Peter Petrelli would never buy drugs!" (which Milo did in the video) and "Peter would never wear his hair in a stupid little ponytail like that!" To borrow a phrase from Adam Shankman when he was a guest judge on So You think You Can Dance?: It looked like he'd been punk'd by the hair and makeup designer. All that aside, who knew that he had such a beautiful body? They hide it on Heroes, he just looks like a single chopstick there.
Well, those are my adventures for today. Tomorrow is karaoke night, so my next entry might consist of my notes from that. If Carrie Underwood got a nickel for every time someone sang "Jesus take the Wheel" or "Before he Cheats" at our karaoke night, she'd have at least enough to by a nice American-made car, if not a Kia or even a Honda. Normally, karaoke is pretty predictable, (lots of Elvis, Patsy, and Faith Hill) but sometimes they'll surprise you- we listened in horror as a fifteen-year-old girl sang "Bohemian Rhapsody" in it's entirety last week. It always proves to be interesting. Till then,
Brianne <><
I think I need a vacation. This is sad, because I've only been at my new job for about five months now, but seriously. The last two days at work have been so busy that I have felt violated. Most of the other people I work with hate being on desk with a passion. I actually kind of like it, but the last two days have made me realize why they all hate it so much. It's just been a constant stream of cranky retirees with too much of their pension to spend on their vacation.
Today, some pervert skeeved on my tattoo when I bent over and another guy told me that I've "got a big body." I am not lying. He asked me what my major had been in college and I said, "music" and he asked whether I sang opera and I said yes. He said, "well, you've got a big body" and went on to say that that's what opera singers need. Now, I realize that he probably just had "foot in mouth" disease, but still. What's with the stereotype that all opera singers are fat? And what's with him seeing me, a big girl, and automatically assuming I must be an opera singer? You know what I said to him? I told him that Kiri Te Kanawa was skinny and she played Susannah, and that they must just be growing them differently down in New Zealand, where Kiri is from. He had no idea what I was talking about, by the way. I don't think he'd ever heard of Kiri Te Kanawa. Anyway, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry about the comment, especially in light of the fact that that perverted guy had just been so gross about my tattoo (asking to see it again, asking probing questions about what it meant in a weird tone of voice, and generally just letting me know he'd seen my bare skin and was happy about it.) I was kind of scarred by both interactions, so I sat underneath the desk for a while. It's closed on one side and it makes a nice little cave down there. I've found that it calms me down to sit under there and collect my thoughts for a second. It's kind of like how, in college, I would wear a tiara while I did my homework. There was just something about it that made everything better.
My friend, Mitch tried to make me feel better. ("You look good!" he said earnestly. I believed him, just because he's so earnest.) Also, being my supervisor, he let me go on break. I subsequently had the worst break on record because while I was eating my TV dinner in Josh's office, Colton came in and accidentally spilled my lemonade all over me. He was acting like a Spartan at the time and swinging this long stick around. (it's a boy thing, I guess.) He didn't mean to and I wasn't mad at him, but it made me all wet and it made him feel bad. So I spent the rest of my break wet and hungry because I didn't have anything else to eat. Pity, pity me.
In other news, I have discovered the wide world of watching TV online. It's feeding my growing Gilmore Girls addiction, I'm telling you that much. Besides that, I looked up Milo Ventimiglia on imdb.com and found that he'd been in the video for "Big Girls Don't Cry" by Fergie. (Subsequently, I wish I was cool enough to just go by one name. I wonder: is Fergie really even her first name? I digress.) Anyway, I don't particularly care for Fergie, but I watched the video, anyway, because I loves me some Milo. My first reaction was, "dang, he's hot," and my second was "but sleazy-looking." I never knew he had such a talent for looking like a heel. Not to mention the fact that the costumer glued fake tattoos all over his (well-muscled) body. I swear, every time he was on screen, there was a new one. I was torn between wanting to see more of his impressive chest and arms and wanting him to put on a shirt to cover up the fakeness of the tattoos. Now, I love tattoos more than the next girl, but this was a little excessive. It was like, "look, this boy's got tattoos, he must be bad!" Also, there was a nagging in the back of my mind that said, "My Peter Petrelli would never buy drugs!" (which Milo did in the video) and "Peter would never wear his hair in a stupid little ponytail like that!" To borrow a phrase from Adam Shankman when he was a guest judge on So You think You Can Dance?: It looked like he'd been punk'd by the hair and makeup designer. All that aside, who knew that he had such a beautiful body? They hide it on Heroes, he just looks like a single chopstick there.
Well, those are my adventures for today. Tomorrow is karaoke night, so my next entry might consist of my notes from that. If Carrie Underwood got a nickel for every time someone sang "Jesus take the Wheel" or "Before he Cheats" at our karaoke night, she'd have at least enough to by a nice American-made car, if not a Kia or even a Honda. Normally, karaoke is pretty predictable, (lots of Elvis, Patsy, and Faith Hill) but sometimes they'll surprise you- we listened in horror as a fifteen-year-old girl sang "Bohemian Rhapsody" in it's entirety last week. It always proves to be interesting. Till then,
Brianne <><
At 8:43 AM,
J. M. Richards said…
Sorry you had a crappy couple days! We should talk. Today I feel like blogging again and saying, "I take it all back. Love is stupid. Love Sucks." Maybe I will.
Anyway...yeah, we should talk. I need my Brianne. You're the best, and if those stupid retirees can't figure that out, screw them. Not literally. (I don't know what's wrong with me today. I just got up. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.) I'm going to stop now before I say something REALLY dumb.
At 5:21 PM,
Mrs. Sappington said…
Hey...its been a while. But, I'm back to blogging. On my own site. Just so you know. ;-)
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