The curb. Oh, sweet Lord, the curb.
So today was our big lake day at the church, which was fun. Can you believe that I live twenty minutes from scenic Table Rock Lake and I haven’t been all summer? When I was in college, we went every chance we got. Now that I’m an old woman, I never go. But seriously, it was so much fun. A couple at our church has a big houseboat and invited all the kids out on it, and some other families brought their speedboats to take the kids tubing. So basically, I’ve been on a boat all day. In fact, I still kind of feel like I’m on a boat. I mean, my equilibrium still hasn’t quite recovered from the bobbing.
In other news, my car is in the shop. Again. Remember last month when I had my little accident with the curb? Oh, maybe I didn’t blog about that. Anyway, I had an accident last month, where I hit the curb going about forty miles per hour on Gretna road. At the time I thought that all that was wrong with it was that it needed a new tire, but I was mistaken. Monday I was at Country Mart when something just “popped” and I couldn’t maneuver my car. I kind of freaked out for a moment, and then I called my wonderful friend Daniel. It was so funny- I called him and was like, “Hey,” and he immediately said, “What’s wrong? Are you all right?” Shows how well he knows me. Anyway, Daniel took me to the bookstore-I made him listen to Sean Watkins on the way there- and I got my car towed out of the Country Mart parking lot. I can tell you this- I’m never using that towing company again, because they recommended this auto shop that tried to cheat me. I got my car towed again to a place that I knew and trusted, but it’s still going to cost me about six hundred dollars total. I feel violated. The worst part is that I had been saving my money to go on a trip to Pittsburgh this winter to spend a week or so with Jess and then go to Bud’s wedding the first week of December. I had to spend my Pittsburgh Money and borrow money from my sister to get my car fixed.
Anyway, that’s my life. Not very interesting. (Uh, ahem, read the title of my blog as a whole.) The most interesting things that I read are on Erin’s blog, where she tells cute baby stories about Emma, my favoritest baby in the world. I’m adding a link to her blog in my sidebar, so you can read all about Emma’s antics. I hope everyone has a wonderful day- stay off those curbs! Till later,
Brianne <><
In other news, my car is in the shop. Again. Remember last month when I had my little accident with the curb? Oh, maybe I didn’t blog about that. Anyway, I had an accident last month, where I hit the curb going about forty miles per hour on Gretna road. At the time I thought that all that was wrong with it was that it needed a new tire, but I was mistaken. Monday I was at Country Mart when something just “popped” and I couldn’t maneuver my car. I kind of freaked out for a moment, and then I called my wonderful friend Daniel. It was so funny- I called him and was like, “Hey,” and he immediately said, “What’s wrong? Are you all right?” Shows how well he knows me. Anyway, Daniel took me to the bookstore-I made him listen to Sean Watkins on the way there- and I got my car towed out of the Country Mart parking lot. I can tell you this- I’m never using that towing company again, because they recommended this auto shop that tried to cheat me. I got my car towed again to a place that I knew and trusted, but it’s still going to cost me about six hundred dollars total. I feel violated. The worst part is that I had been saving my money to go on a trip to Pittsburgh this winter to spend a week or so with Jess and then go to Bud’s wedding the first week of December. I had to spend my Pittsburgh Money and borrow money from my sister to get my car fixed.
Anyway, that’s my life. Not very interesting. (Uh, ahem, read the title of my blog as a whole.) The most interesting things that I read are on Erin’s blog, where she tells cute baby stories about Emma, my favoritest baby in the world. I’m adding a link to her blog in my sidebar, so you can read all about Emma’s antics. I hope everyone has a wonderful day- stay off those curbs! Till later,
Brianne <><
At 7:49 AM,
Mrs. Sappington said…
Wow - a commercial for my blog!! I'm honored!
And how funny - I've recently posted about money on my blog too!!
At 11:46 AM,
J. M. Richards said…
See, Brianne? You DO have an audience. You just filled Jer in on not only your life, but a few other C of O-er's as well.
Everyone should read about your not-so-mundane life.
At 7:02 PM,
J. M. Richards said…
YOU NEED A NEW POST!!! Or, we could just talk, and then I could find out what's going on with you. :)
At 10:25 AM,
Mrs. Sappington said…
It was good to see you last weekend! Hope one of your jobs lets up soon and you can get back to blogging!! :-)
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