Three-Month Roundup
Okay, so I know it’s been forever and a day since my last blog, but would you believe that this is literally the first time in months that I’ve had time to sit down at the old compy and write a post? The only reason I’m here today is because there’s an ice storm and I got sent home from work early. Here’s why I’ve been so busy, in a nutshell. We’ll call it the “Brianne’s Mundane Life Three-Month Roundup.”
Anyway, so that’s about it. I’m not promising that I’ll blog more regularly now, but I’ll try. Happy, Erin? Everyone stay safe in the winter weather!
Brianne <><
- I got a promotion at work. As many of you know, I’ve had two jobs for a long time now. I work part time at a bookstore, and also part time at a women’s clothing store. Until this fall, the clothing store was extremely part time, only a couple of hours a week. Then I learned that my job at the bookstore would be ending soon because the chain is going out of business, and around the same time I learned the bookstore was going out of business, a promotion opened up for me at the clothing store. So, instead of waiting until January when the bookstore closed, I took the job at the clothing store and decided to just stick it out until it was my only job. So basically, I’ve been working 60-70 hours a week. Which sucks, but I’m getting rich!
- TLC Theatre started. The show this year is The Sound of Music, which in all honesty used to annoy the crap out of me before I got involved in it. However, my friend Hannah is directing and she asked me to be her assistant director. Also, I accepted the role of Mother Abbess for one weekend. If you don’t know anything about The Sound of Music, the Mother Abbess is the head nun person. She’s in charge of all the other nuns. Also, she’s got a couple of nice solos and way more lines than I realized (I’m not a great memorizer of lines, let me tell you.) She gets to sing that song “Climb Every Mountain,” which is a huge song- it ends act 1 and I’ll pretty much be wailing at the end of it. I’m splitting the role with an incredibly talented woman named Angela, she’s a college student and is just an incredible singer. We originally cast her in the role of Mother Abbess, but she couldn’t do it both weekends, so I agreed to do it one weekend so she could still play the part. It works out well for us- we can split up the rehearsal schedule, and we both still get to play this great part. Everybody wins!
- I was in a car accident. This doesn’t really have anything to do with why I haven’t blogged, but it’s part of what’s been going on my life. In my last post I talked about how I ran up on the curb in my new car (“Pearly”) and messed up my passenger’s side wheel. Well, I got that all fixed ($600, thank you very much, I almost had a seizure) and not a month later, some [expletive] 800-year-old tourist from Texas pulled out in front of me on Gretna road, running a stop sign and causing me to clip his back passenger’s side with my front passenger’s side. It cracked my front bumper, dented and pushed back the passenger’s side quarter panel, and decimated my headlight. What. A. Moron. His excuse: “I guess I didn’t see her.” Oh, my good Lord. I drive a white car, the headlights were still on when the cops came, I was going 30 miles an hour when he pulled out in front of me. A half-blind retarded monkey would have seen me. Anyway, to make a long story even longer, the Moron’s insurance company gave me a bunch of money as a settlement on my car (they declared it totaled) and a kid at my church who does body work is fixing it with money to spare. Everyone wins again!
- The television season started. Even though Alias and Everwood are gone and I vowed not to pick up any new TV shows, I’m still obsessed with the same old ones:
- Lost has been great this year- I’m really loving the “Kate, Jack and Sawyer in captivity” storyline. I also like the new character, Juliet, even though I don’t trust her. Also, I was so happy to Nathan Fillion in that Kate flashback episode that I’m hoping that his character is married to someone else on the show, too, just so I can see him again. Even if it’s Hurley.
- House just gets better and better. It started out a little humdrum, but quickly picked up the pace a few episodes in- House is currently being pursued by a cop who knows he’s an addict and wants him in jail for it. I’ll say it one more time: Hugh Laurie is a god of the television. I will watch anything he ever does.
- Even though Veronica Mars is a little weird this season with Veronica being at college and all, I’m into the serial rapist storyline. Also I’m starting a betting pool on when she and Logan are breaking up. I’m kind of leaning towards the episode from the other night that I haven’t watched yet. Meaning, it’s already happened. Any opinions, Jess?
- Okay, so I lied. I did pick up a new show. I’m kind of obsessed with Bones right now, mostly because of my imaginary husband, David Boreanaz. I mean, seriously. (for those of you who I haven’t talked to ad nauseum about this subject, Mr. Boreanaz used to play “Angel” on Buffy and Angel, which I love (thank God for DVD’s.) Other than there being extreme hotness to be had on that show, it’s also well-written with two really interesting characters. The relationship between Bones and Booth makes the show. I love it!
Anyway, so that’s about it. I’m not promising that I’ll blog more regularly now, but I’ll try. Happy, Erin? Everyone stay safe in the winter weather!
Brianne <><
At 6:58 PM,
J. M. Richards said…
You blogged!! Imagine my Overjoyment!!!
(I know that's not technically a word. But I'm a writer. I should be allowed to make up words.)
Anyway...Here's my $.02.
Lost: Only NINE weeks to go!!
Veronica: You. Must. Watch. This last ep was insanity. Will that girl NEVER learn?!?
House: I haven't gotten to this week's...but man. That House is one tough b*st*rd. (Can I say that on here? I'll trash it and start over if I can't.) It's like, I don't know if I want him to have to face up to his actions or not. Can you say, conflicted?!?
Bones: I caught the last five minutes of it last night, for some odd reason. It was intriguing.
Here's what you *ought* to be watching:
Daybreak: Kyle and I had a four hour marathon last night. It's not a perfect show, but it is intriguing. Plus, there's Adam Baldwin. Oh, and little mini Lost-snippets each episode!! It's almost worth it for that!! Desmond!!!
And Heroes: Seriously, this show rocks. It is just chock full of mystery and philosophy. Hiro is frickin' hilarious, Peter is adorably, and some of the others are just so tragic and flawed and messed up...and they just keep reeling you in. We may have to have a marathon when you come up.
Okay, so that was more like...$1.50...but you have to consider that as back pay for all the comments I didn't get to leave the last few months. :)
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