Especially for Erin
Well, I was just going to respond to Erin in my comments space, but she was too funny and my responses were getting too long. So, here it is:
Brianne <><
- I have to confess something. I like having Shadow around. There, I said it! Not that I won’t freely give him back when you come down at the end of this month, but he’s a lot of fun. He doesn’t like our friends, though. Last night Caleb and Ben came over to watch Blazing Saddles and he didn’t come out from under the dining room table until the movie was almost over. He does like my sparkly black sandals, though. I think he’s going to be pooping out shiny black beads for a month, sorry.
- I don’t know what Jen did to get skinny, but I have a feeling that it has something to do with all the spy butt she kicks on a weekly basis. I will never be in that good shape. And she’s probably on some stupid microbiotic diet that means all she can eat is brown rice and chicken for every meal. Since I got my new car, I have eaten at Sonic like, four times in two weeks. I was there just yesterday morning with Daniel. I had the chicken strips dinner with texas toast. I look like I have Emma inside me.
- I haven’t blogged about Everwood in a long time, but it has been particularly good as of late. I mean, every episode has been spot-on. Mostly I’m glad that Ephram isn’t acting all crazy-like anymore, like he was at the end of last season. Amy has been insufferable in the last few episodes. This is basically what she has been saying: “Look at me, I’m Amy! Everyone should think the exact same way I do because I’m Amy and I’m always right! Oh, and by the way, you can’t be my friend if you don’t agree with me. What are you looking at?” However, she was reasonably tolerable in this most recent episode, mostly because she wasn’t in it so much. Also I’m incredibly mad at Bright for cheating on Hannah, and I really hope that he’s not the one who dies. That preview for next week does not look promising. I still love you, Bright!
- I taped Austin City Limits the other night because Ben Folds was on there and I’m watching it again right now. I didn’t hear his first couple of songs because we were watching SNL with Tom Hanks (not even he could make some of that stuff funny) but as usual, I just love him to death. He’s awesome- creative lyrics, dense piano parts, and an interesting, clear voice. He has an incredible handle on writing about people. He wrote his Rockin’ the Suburbs CD about his friends and family, and right now I’m listening to a song he wrote about his daughter. I’m a little sad that he didn’t play “The Luckiest” because that’s my favorite of all his songs, but hey, you can’t have everything you want. Also, there was a new-ish artist called Ray LaMontagne on there. I had heard some of his stuff before (I think I heard one of his songs on Alias once) and I really like him. He’s a little different than Ben Folds, but, you know, I like lots of different kinds of music. (Shut up, Danielle, I do and you know it.)
- House is on tonight! Oh, Hugh, how I love thee. I am fully aware that I am completely obsessed with a man who is almost twice my age, but hey, you can’t help who you love. Like I’m sure I’ve said before, I would make myself sick just so he could make me better.
Brianne <><
At 11:41 AM,
Anonymous said…
Okay, I may have to quit reading your blog. At least at work. I barely surpressed my first urge to laugh outloud, but couldn't do it twice, so I ended up making this spit/fart noise out my nose!! It was pretty loud and someone from a nearby cubicle even said "bless you" so I guess it sounded like a deranged sneeze. Good grief.
At 11:31 AM,
Brianne said…
"A deranged sneeze." That's awesome. Please don't quit reading, your comments make my day!
At 5:03 PM,
J. M. Richards said…
I can't wait to see what you have to say about Vmars...
*sigh* I'm glad you're enjoying Ewood...I'm concerned about that show.
At 6:28 PM,
Brianne said…
Concerned? Concerned, like you're concerned that it won't come back? Or concerned that it might start to suck? Or concerned that Bright might die? All of these things concern me.
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